Institutional responsibilities at the University of Zürich
Since 2023: Kommission Senioren-Universität Zürich UZH3
Since 2023: Arbeitsgruppe zur Organisationsentwicklung der Philosophischen Fakultät
Since 2023: Kommission Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen
Since 2023: Fachausschuss Linguistik
Since 2023: Schulkommissionsmitglied Kantonsschule Nord

Institutional responsibilities at the University of Salzburg
2019-2022: Deputy Head of Department, Dept. of English and American Studies
2020-2021: Chair of the Curricular Committee "Lehramt"
2020-2021: Deputy Chair of the Curricular Committee "Cluster Mitte"
Since 2020: Mitarbeit im wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Universität 55-PLUS
Since 2020: Mitarbeit in der Taskforce "Leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe" (performance-related resource allocation)

International university and science management
since 2022: President of the International Association of Multilingualism (IAM)
since 2021: Vice President of the European Second Language Acquisition (EuroSLA)
2020-2022: Vice President of the International Association of Multilingualism (IAM)
2018-2020: Secretary of the International Association of Multilingualism (IAM)
2021: Member of the External Advisory Board of the Faculty of Arts at KU Leuven, Belgium

Membership of scientific societies
AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics)
EUROSLA (European Second Language Association)
AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics)
TESOL International Association (Teaching English to speakers of other languages)
IAM (International Association of Multilingualism)
ISLE (International Society for the Linguistics of English)
ICLA (International Cognitive Linguistics Association)
AAUTE (Austrian Association of University Teachers of English)
VERBAL (Verband für Angewandte Linguistik)
SWELL (Swiss Works in English Language and Linguistics)
Membership of editorial boards
System – An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, Elsevier (
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Taylor & Francis (
EuroSLA Studies book series (