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Science to science: Invited keynotes at conferences



  • “Language learning in later life: From significant life events to cognitive benefits”. Sixth International Conference on Corpora for Language and Aging (CLARe6). Tübingen, Germany, April 10-12, 2024.

  • "Lifelong language learning: What’s age got to do with it?”. 16th International Conference (30th Anniversary) of the Association for Language Awareness. Karlsruhe, Germany, July 7-10, 2024.



  • ​"Lifelong language learning and significant life events". International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association (ICPLA), Salzburg (6/7/2023) (

  • "Life-course distinctiveness and high-stakes thresholds: How to find evidence of non-linearity in language learning across the lifespan." TABU Dag, Groningen (15/6/2023) (

  • "Life-course distinctiveness and high-stakes thresholds: How to find evidence of non-linearity in language learning across the lifespan." TABU Dag, Groningen (15/6/2023) (

  • "Continuity vs. cut-off points in SLA across the lifespan: Modeling threshold associations from a new perspective." Second Language Learning and Teaching: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, Konin (16/5/2023) (

  • "Emergent bilingual children in early foreign language learning: Focus on variability and dynamicity in L2 development data". Advances in second/foreign language acquisition (ASeFoLA), online, (

  • "Instructed L2 learning in healthy older adults On the interplay of multiple factors over time from a dynamic systems perspective". Workshop on language learning in older adults, University of Essex (23/6/2022).

  • "'I thought I was there, just sitting in my chair' – Towards immersive task-based elicitation methodologies using virtual reality" (with Mason A. Wirtz). 33rd International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition (ICFSLA), Szczyrk, Poland, 19-21 May 2022 (

  • “Questioning causality in applied linguistics: On the future of inferential goals and causal reasoning in light of emerging dynamic methodological principles”. World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Groningen, Netherlands (19/8/2021)

  • "Time and timing in early foreign language learning". The Teachers College Tunisia 2021 symposium on teaching English to young learners. Teachers College, Columbia University, & US Embassy Tunis (9/12/2021)

  • "How we reframe lifelong learning through personal narratives." 32nd International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition (ICFSLA), Szczyrk, Poland (21/5/2021)

  • "Emergent bilinguals in a digital world: A dynamic analysis of long-term L2 development in (pre)primary schools." Topics in applied linguistics: Classroom-oriented research, Opole, Poland (23/9/2019)

  • "Non-systematic variation as a driving force in language acquisition (and change)." 31st ICFSLA (International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition), Szczyrk, Poland (18/5/2019)

  • "Identity, ideology and the Bilingual Advantage debate in classroom L2 learning". Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts (LIEMC19), York, England (14-16/2/2019)

  • "Scientific and cultural understanding of aging: Perspectives on third age identity, age stereotypes and additional language learning in older adulthood (and some implications for method)". 30th ICFSLA (International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition), Szczyrk, Poland (18/5/2018)

  • “The contextual dimension of multilingualism in schools – theoretical and methodological considerations”. Jean Monnet Summer School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (17/07/2017)

  • “Environmental errors or complex organized systems? Locating individual differences in their micro- and macro-context.” 29th ICFSLA (International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition), Szczyrk, Poland (19/05/2017)

  • “Differential influence of starting age on L3 acquisition in different learner populations.” Symposium on 'Multilingualism, language proficiency and age', Stockholm, Sweden (01/12/2016)

  • “From individual behavior to classroom ecology: Musings on generalizability, particularizability and the individual and social turns in SLA.” Classroom-oriented research conference: Focus on the language learner, Konin, Poland (18/10/2016)

  • “The ‘earlier=better’ argument through the ages: On the origin and history of a myth in SLA and its pedagogical consequences.” 28th ICFSLA (International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition), Szczyrk, Poland (20/05/2016)

  • “Not so individual after all: An ecological approach to age as an individual difference variable”. Symposium on ‘Individual Differences in Language Development’, University of Groningen, Netherlands (03/02/2016)

  • “Flawed Revolution: The International Advance of Early Instruction in English.” Revolution, Evolution and Endurance in the English Language and Anglophone Literature and Culture (Institute of English Studies celebrating 20 years of English Philology), Rzeszów, Poland (with David Singleton) (12/11/2015)

  • “Giving the individual a voice – exploring learners’ insights regarding age in relation to long-term instructional experience.” Interdisciplinary lecture series 'Variation in Language Acquisition', Münster, Germany (with David Singleton) (23/06/2015)

  • “Essaying the age factor – Insights from a mixed methods approach with respect to long-term instructed language.” 17th Summer School of Psycholinguistics, Balatonalmádi, Hungary (with David Singleton) (27/05/2015)

  • “Giving the individual a voice – Exploring learners’ insights regarding age in relation to long-term instructional experience.” 27th ICFSLA (International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition), Szczyrk, Poland (with David Singleton) (21/05/2015)

  • “Quantitative and qualitative: Making sense of the age factor by combining methodologies.” 29th International Conference of Applied Linguistic Research and Methodology, Zadar, Croatia (with David Singleton) (24/04/2015)

  • “Recent advances in quantitative methods in age-related research.” Day of Science (leading theme: Current Research: Implications for the Future), Veszprém, Hungary (with David Singleton) (04/11/2014)

Science to science: Invited guest lectures at universities


  • "Modeling threshold associations in linguistics: Evidence from psycholinguistics and SLA”. Ringvorlesung Recent Advances in Linguistic Methods, LMU Munich (12/7/2023)

  • "Becoming bilingual later in life: Thoughts on affective and cognitive between-and within-person variability." IAS Invited Lecture Series in Bilingualism and Multilingualism organised by the Faculty of English and Bilingualism Matters@Poznań (online), 12 May 2022

  • "Dynamic methods for dynamic processes: New tools to study dynamicity in L2 development in older adults." University of Zurich, Switzerland (30/3/2022)

  • "Time and timing in early foreign language learning." Teachers College, Columbia University, USA (8/12/2021)

  • "Kritische Lernvoraussetzungen statt kritische Perioden Einblicke in die Zweitspracherwerbsforschung zum Altersfaktor." ZHAW, Switzerland (1/11/2021)

  • "Investigating the age factor with multiple measures over time." University of Cambridge, England (24/10/2019)

  • "About the INTER and the INTRA in L2 development". University of Münster, Germany (21/5/2019)

  • "Multicausality in SLA and multilingualism research: On the future of inferential goals and the ‘this-happened-because-of-this’ mantra". University of Stockholm, Sweden (5/2/2019)

  • "The age-eclipsing effects of environment and input on L2 attainment in instructional contexts". University College London, Department of Applied Linguistics, GB (19/11/2018)

  • "The age-eclipsing effects of environment and input on L2 attainment in instructional contexts". University of Oxford, Department of Education, England (19/11/2018)

  • "Multilingualism and the ‘earlier=better’ trend: Influence of starting age on L3 acquisition across different learner populations in Swiss schools". University of Zurich, Switzerland (1/6/2018)

  • "Multilingualism and age." Universitat Jaume I, Castelló, Spain (28/11/2017)

  • “Reconciling generalizability, particularizability and variability in SLA research.” University of Zagreb, Croatia (07/01/2017)

  • “Separating the age factor from its natural by-products.” Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz, Poland (12/10/2015)

Science to public & professionals

  • "Der Intensitätsfaktor beim Zweitspracherwerb". Weiterbildungskurs des Gymnasiums St. Ursula, Salzburg, Austria (27/2//2019) 

  • "Mehrsprachigkeit über die Lebensspanne: Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung". Weiterbildungskurse des Zürcher Kompetenzzentrums Linguistik ZüKL (University of Zürich), Switzerland (22/1/2019) (with Martin Meyer)

  • "Neues aus der Forschung zu Fremdspracherwerb, Sprachentwicklungsstörungen, Mehrsprachigkeit und Gehirn". Weiterbildungskurs des Freiburger Logopädinnenverbands FLV, Switzerland (19/1/2019) (with Martin Meyer)

  • "Mehrsprachigkeit über die Lebensspanne: Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung". Weiterbildungskurse des Zürcher Kompetenzzentrums Linguistik ZüKL (University of Zürich), Switzerland (22/1/2019) (with Martin Meyer)

  • "Je früher desto besser? Und für wen? Mehrsprachigkeit, Alter und Fremdsprachenlernen in Schweizer Schulen". Vaud Multilingue (University of Lausanne), Switzerland (24/9/2018)

  • "Sprachaneignung im Primarschulalter: Erkenntnisse der Psycholinguistikforschung". Hauptversammlung der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer des Kantons Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Switzerland (31/5/2018)

  • "Alter, Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachaneignung im Primarschulalter". Weiterbildung der Schule Kappeli, Zürich (28/2/2018)

  • “Weltsprachen- Nachbarsprachen- Migrantensprachen: Welche Sprachen wann lernen”. Veranstaltungsreihe des Club tre Popoli – Verein zur Förderung der Zusammenarbeit im Alpen-Adria Raum, Klagenfurt, Austria (21/10/2017)

  • “Fremdsprache – wie früh beginnen?” Vortragsreihe «Schule & Pädiatrie» des Ostschweizer Kinderspitals (OKS) zusammen mit den Ostschweizer Kinderärzten (VOK), St. Gallen, Switzerland (14/9/2016)

  • “Frühenglisch und Frühfranzösisch: Mythen, Hoffnungen und Forschungsergebnisse.” Sprachkreis Deutsch, University of Bern, Switzerland (13/9/2016)

  • “Die Rolle des Deutschunterrichts im Mehrsprachigkeitskonzept der Schweiz.” Sonderpädagogische Tagesschule Toblerstrasse Zürich, Switzerland (16/6/2016)

  • “The earlier the better? Sobering research findings from around the world and from Switzerland.” Weiterbildung des Fachbereichs Englisch der PH Zürich (University of Teacher Education), Switzerland (8/6/2015)

  • “Age, Acquisition and Accuracy – On the Impact of Early English for Later Instruction at Secondary Schools.” Continuing education course organized by the HSGYM (Hochschule und Gymnasium) Schnittstelle project of the English Kerngruppe (interface between high schools and universities) (20/06/2012)

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